Memtierd NRI plugin

This plugins enables managing workloads with Memtierd in Kubernetes.

Plugin’s configuration defines a set of workload classes and their attributes. If a class is attributed with memtierd configuration, then this plugin will launch memtierd with that configuration to track and manage memory of each workload that belongs to the class.

The class of a workload is specified in pod annotations.

Workload configuration

The class of a pod or a container is defined using pod annotations:

    # Set the default class for all containers in this pod. swap-idle-data
    # Override the default class for the c0 container. track-working-set-size
    # Do not associate any class on the c1 container. ""

Plugin configuration


Plugin configuration lists workload classes and their attributes.

classes: is followed by list of maps with following keys and values:

  • name (string): name of the class, matches annotations.

  • allowswap (true or false): if true, allow OS to swap the workload. If false disallow swapping. If not set, the plugin will not affect what will be written to memory.swap.max in cgroups v2.

  • memtierdconfig (string): configuration template with which memtierd will be launched to manage workloads in this class. Variables that will be replaced with container-specific values in this template:

    • $CGROUP2_ABS_PATH absolute path to cgroups v2 directory into which container’s processes will belong to.


  - name: swap-idle-data
    allowswap: true
    memtierdconfig: |
        name: age
        config: |
          intervalms: 10000
            name: cgroups
            config: |
                - $CGROUP2_ABS_PATH
          swapoutms: 10000
            name: idlepage
            config: |
              pagesinregion: 512
              maxcountperregion: 1
              scanintervalms: 10000
            intervalms: 20
            bandwidth: 50

The configuration defines the swap-idle-data workload class.

allowswap: true makes sure that OS will allow swapping when memtierd decides that data should be swapped out from memory.

memtierdconfig: ... means that a memtierd will manage the memory of a workload in this class. The age policy uses the idlepage tracker to find data that has not been accessed in 10 seconds, and swaps out that data swapoutms: 10000. The swapping will be done in 20 ms interval (mover.intervalms), and no more than 50 MB/s (mover.bandwidth). Refer to memtierd documentation for more configuration options.

Developer’s guide


  • Containerd v1.7+

  • Enable NRI in /etc/containerd/config.toml:

      disable = false
      disable_connections = false
      plugin_config_path = "/etc/nri/conf.d"
      plugin_path = "/opt/nri/plugins"
      plugin_registration_timeout = "5s"
      plugin_request_timeout = "2s"
      socket_path = "/var/run/nri/nri.sock"
  • To run the nri-memtierd plugin on a host, install memtierd on the host.

    GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install


cd cmd/plugins/memtierd && go build .


cmd/plugins/memtierd/memtierd -config sample-configs/nri-memtierd.yaml -idx 40 -vv

Manual test

kubectl create -f test/e2e/files/nri-memtierd-test-pod.yaml

See swap status of dd processes, each allocating the same amount of memory:

for pid in $(pidof dd); do
    grep VmSwap /proc/$pid/status


-v enables debug output from the plugin. -vv makes it even more verbose.

The plugin stores memtierd config and output under /tmp/memtierd/NAMESPACE/POD/CONTAINER/.

Debugging the plugin with dlv:

go install
dlv exec ./memtierd -- -config memtierd.conf -idx 40
(dlv) break plugin.CreateContainer
(dlv) continue


Build an image, import it on the node, and deploy the plugin by running the following in nri-plugins:

rm -rf build
make PLUGINS=nri-memtierd IMAGE_VERSION=devel images
ctr -n images import build/images/nri-memtierd-image-*.tar
kubectl create -f build/images/nri-memtierd-deployment-e2e.yaml

The e2e deployment variant gives more debug output from both nri-memtierd plugin (see kubectl logs -n kube-system nri-memtierd-*) and memtierd to the output (see /tmp/memtierd/**/*.output).


memtierd needs privileged access in order to find pids in other containers, track memory activity, move pages and swap workload data out and in. Therefore only privileged users must be allowed to create and modify memtierd configuration files and ConfigMaps. Commands in memtierd configurations will be executed by memtierd in privileged mode.