Demo 1: Introduction
This is a work in progress demonstrator; after showing a very simple ML training, we package the ML model assets and relevant metadata as OCI Artifact. We push the resulting artifact to a specified OCI repository. We demonstrate how to pull the artifact using standard clients or a customized client. We demonstrate how to build on top of the provided features, to provide new capabilities, such as custom Pull or local Crawling of metadata for Querying.
Model Training
We simulate (poorly!) a ML model training and we persist the resulting model in a joblib file.
import joblib
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
X, y = datasets.load_iris(return_X_y=True)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3, random_state = 1, stratify = y)
svc_linear = SVC(kernel="linear", probability=True), y_train)
y_pred = svc_linear.predict(X_test)
accuracy_value = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
print("accuracy:", accuracy_value)
accuracy: 0.9777777777777777
-rw-r--r--@ 1 mmortari staff 3299 Jun 17 10:22 model.joblib
OCI Artifact
Let's leverage OCI-Artifact and OCI-Dist to warehouse our ML model and its metadata.
from omlmd.helpers import Helper
omlmd = Helper()
omlmd.push("localhost:8080/matteo/ml-artifact:latest", "model.joblib", name="Model Example", author="John Doe", license="Apache-2.0", accuracy=accuracy_value)
Successfully pushed localhost:8080/matteo/ml-artifact:latest
Zot | Quay |
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Demonstrate pull with vanilla OCI-compliant clients
from oras.provider import Registry
oras_registry = Registry(insecure=True)
oras_registry.pull(target="localhost:8080/matteo/ml-artifact:latest", outdir="tmp/a")
%ls -lA tmp/a
total 24
-rw-r--r--@ 1 mmortari staff 3299 Jun 17 10:22 model.joblib
-rw-r--r--@ 1 mmortari staff 269 Jun 17 10:22 model_metadata.oml.json
-rw-r--r--@ 1 mmortari staff 187 Jun 17 10:22 model_metadata.oml.yaml
Demonstrate custom pull, filtering to download only ML artifact and nothing else
omlmd.pull(target="localhost:8080/matteo/ml-artifact:latest", outdir="tmp/b", media_types=["application/x-artifact"])
%ls -lA tmp/b
total 8
-rw-r--r--@ 1 mmortari staff 3299 Jun 17 10:22 model.joblib
Demonstrate custom fetch of metadata layer (following OCI-Artifact conventions)
{"reference":"localhost:8080/matteo/ml-artifact:latest", "config": {
"name": "Model Example",
"description": null,
"author": "John Doe",
"customProperties": {
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"accuracy": 0.9777777777777777
"uri": null,
"model_format_name": null,
"model_format_version": null
} }
Crawl OCI-Artifacts
Demonstrator of client-side crawling. This is only a demonstrator, working on analogous concept server-side (beyond OCI specification, but integrating with it).
# data prep (simulated): store in OCI 3 tags, with different `accuracy` metadata
omlmd.push("localhost:8080/matteo/ml-artifact:v1", "model.joblib", accuracy=.85, name="Model Example", author="John Doe", license="Apache-2.0")
omlmd.push("localhost:8080/matteo/ml-artifact:v2", "model.joblib", accuracy=.90, name="Model Example", author="John Doe", license="Apache-2.0")
omlmd.push("localhost:8080/matteo/ml-artifact:v3", "model.joblib", accuracy=.95, name="Model Example", author="John Doe", license="Apache-2.0")
Successfully pushed localhost:8080/matteo/ml-artifact:v1
Successfully pushed localhost:8080/matteo/ml-artifact:v2
Successfully pushed localhost:8080/matteo/ml-artifact:v3
Zot | Quay |
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crawl_result = omlmd.crawl([
Demonstrate integration of crawling results with querying (in this case using jQ)
Of the crawled ML OCI artifacts, which one exhibit the max accuracy?
import jq
jq.compile( "max_by(.config.customProperties.accuracy).reference" ).input_text(crawl_result).first()
from ML model in OCI Artifact → to ModelCar
ModelCar's Dockerfile:
FROM as builder
RUN oras pull
FROM busybox
RUN mkdir /models && chmod 775 /models
COPY --from=builder /workspace /models/
!podman build --load -t mmortari/ml-iris:v1-modelcar -f Containerfile.modelcar .
# !podman push --tls-verify=false mmortari/ml-iris:v1-modelcar localhost:8080/matteo/ml-iris:v1-modelcar
!podman push mmortari/ml-iris:v1-modelcar
[1/2] STEP 1/2: FROM AS builder
[1/2] STEP 2/2: RUN oras pull
--> Using cache 7feb1e5fb58481657bd017001bd1f8ce7f930041f522c29ffcee44bc346bf99c
--> 7feb1e5fb584
[2/2] STEP 1/3: FROM busybox
[2/2] STEP 2/3: RUN mkdir /models && chmod 775 /models
--> Using cache 4c41b98df27a711498d7e585a7e6a13cc660dc86dc2a30f45fd4d869e5b65091
--> 4c41b98df27a
[2/2] STEP 3/3: COPY --from=builder /workspace /models/
--> Using cache b6a5b03fd625e3a49fd6bd104d250c6efe1be53f48f23db54a1714513e9eb954
[2/2] COMMIT mmortari/ml-iris:v1-modelcar
--> b6a5b03fd625
Successfully tagged localhost/mmortari/ml-iris:v1-modelcar
Successfully tagged localhost/matteo/ml-iris:v1-modelcar
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:e5744b46b6c629c1861eb438aca266a1a170a519f080db5885cc4e672cd78d1b
Copying blob sha256:8e13bc96641a6983e79c9569873afe5800b0efb3993c3302763b9f5bc5fb8739
Copying blob sha256:a1d8fcd2d8014f56ebfd7710bc9487fe01364b8007acca13d75a0127e7f8247a
Copying config sha256:b6a5b03fd625e3a49fd6bd104d250c6efe1be53f48f23db54a1714513e9eb954
Writing manifest to image destination
local Quay | |
![]() |
![]() |
from ModelCar → to BootC image (linux+server+model[/car])
bootc containerfile (snippet):
# ...
# Add quadlet files to setup system to automatically run AI application on boot
COPY quadlet/sklearn.kube quadlet/sklearn.yaml /usr/share/containers/systemd/
# Prepull the model, model_server & application images to populate the system.
# Comment the pull commands to keep bootc image smaller.
# The quadlet .image file added above pulls following images with service startup
RUN podman pull --root /usr/lib/containers/storage
RUN podman pull --root /usr/lib/containers/storage
# ...
!podman build --build-arg "SSHPUBKEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/" \
--security-opt label=disable \
--cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
-f Containerfile.bootc \
-t mmortari/ml-iris:v1-bootc .
!podman push mmortari/ml-iris:v1-bootc
--> Using cache 523580821612112581608763e3943eb40817089f87b690dac045459c0b14fb99
--> 523580821612
STEP 3/9: RUN set -eu; mkdir -p /usr/ssh && echo 'AuthorizedKeysFile /usr/ssh/%u.keys .ssh/authorized_keys .ssh/authorized_keys2' >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/30-auth-system.conf && echo ${SSHPUBKEY} > /usr/ssh/root.keys && chmod 0600 /usr/ssh/root.keys
--> Using cache 3359a78489d3e4eca5921449532819c1b234660be8ac46f3752dad6ee8989eff
--> 3359a78489d3
STEP 4/9: COPY quadlet/sklearn.kube quadlet/sklearn.yaml /usr/share/containers/systemd/
--> Using cache 5dbe59af0d46b95e74577ce99172e11917622f847d00e4b231cb3d10a937d74a
--> 5dbe59af0d46
STEP 5/9: RUN sed -i -e '/additionalimage.*/a "/usr/lib/containers/storage",' /etc/containers/storage.conf
--> Using cache e16046b72ce01887444619469f31aa4d758cb7dc8b07c51dd7848cc452349df9
--> e16046b72ce0
STEP 6/9: VOLUME /var/lib/containers
--> Using cache 8c0ce999a83d0f12b4484c750749d8bf7483ebd43862a14dd833f7c91416297e
--> 8c0ce999a83d
STEP 7/9: RUN podman pull --root /usr/lib/containers/storage
--> Using cache 1102e2d0a0bc9d1295d6d78fa44b44774fd365c3c44dcb719c4bbdf549bd81fb
--> 1102e2d0a0bc
STEP 8/9: RUN podman pull --root /usr/lib/containers/storage
--> Using cache 8915d99264260de1e7f8b5e4c438e3cb9d66f6ce79fab5c5a7f47608ea71a654
--> 8915d9926426
STEP 9/9: RUN podman system reset --force 2>/dev/null
--> Using cache f2b145347580340b1257bafbd2d0dc4b78452af539c1aa13e4dc7a01b0181c51
COMMIT mmortari/ml-iris:v1-bootc
--> f2b145347580
Successfully tagged localhost/mmortari/ml-iris:v1-bootc
Successfully tagged localhost/matteo/ml-bootc:latest
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:159348fa9cfbb75c5cb57e9fac24b9f28477412149e901bdadb909bfaeb84dad
Copying blob sha256:9a1a0862c7696bd2e36bf7aad37f9e59a17de5e9ee17e4e7b9e9decc965476e7
Copying blob sha256:8f4a35e515241f6ad7d2201a35e5ff05332e9fbcae37df036c075817e9b1804b
Copying blob sha256:4c718200cc93786f4b77f1e43fb517f87e45ff88544789a3390a55c63ec510ec
Copying blob sha256:c6d68a01008a8b18cc588c38dda4043cf9b1a6ba672a791bc69c796da386e2ec
Copying blob sha256:c7af602eb478cda4aa9841fb7049eaa3c55a3ed8b347d5a95956c783fe59d472
Copying config sha256:f2b145347580340b1257bafbd2d0dc4b78452af539c1aa13e4dc7a01b0181c51
Writing manifest to image destination
Now the bootc container image is available:
We could also make a Virtual Machine out of it:
I could run the Virtual Machine and it would serve my model:
and I could interact with it to make Inference: