
libcgroups is the crate that contains functionality to work with Linux cgroups. This provide an easy to use interface over reading and writing cgroups files, as well as various structs that represent the cgroups data.

The modules that it exposes are :

  • common
  • stats
  • systemd
  • test_manager
  • v1
  • v2

Following is a short explanation of these modules.


This module contains functionality that is general to any type of cgroup. Some of the things it provides are:

  • trait CgroupManager which gives and interface for the following:

    • add a task to a cgroup
    • apply resource restriction
    • remove a cgroup
    • control freezer cgroup state
    • get stats from a cgroup
    • get pids belonging to the cgroup
  • functions write_cgroup_file_str and write_cgroup_file which write data to a cgroup file

  • function read_cgroup_file which reads data from given cgroup file

  • function get_cgroup_setup_with_root which returns setup of cgroups (v1,v2, hybrid) on the system with specified cgroup root path

  • function get_cgroup_setup which returns setup of cgroups (v1,v2, hybrid) on the system with default cgroup root path /sys/fs/cgroup

  • function create_cgroup_manager_with_root which returns corresponding cgroup manager on the system with specified cgroup root path, if the passed root_path argument is None, then it's same as function create_cgroup_manager

  • function create_cgroup_manager which returns corresponding cgroup manager on the system with default cgroup root path /sys/fs/cgroup


This module has functionalities related to statistics data of the cgroups, and structs representing it.

Some of the things it exposes are

  • struct Stats which contains following structs:

    • CpuStats : contains cpu usage and throttling information

    • MemoryStats : contains usage of memory, swap and memory combined, kernel memory, kernel tcp memory and other memory stats

    • PidStats : contains current number of active pids and allowed number of pids

    • BlkioStats : contains block io related stats, such as number of bytes transferred from/to a device in cgroup, number of io operations done by a device in cgroup, device access and queue information etc.

    • HugeTlbStats : containing stats for Huge TLB such as usage, max_usage, and fail count

  • function supported_page_size which returns hugepage size supported by the system

  • utility functions to operate with data in cgroups files such as:

    • parse_single_value : reads file expecting it to have a single value, and returns the value

    • parse_flat_keyed_data : parses cgroup file data which is in flat keyed format (key value)

    • parse_nested_keyed_data : parses cgroup file data which is in nested keyed format (key list of values)

    • parse_device_number : parses major and minor number of device


This is the module used by youki to interact with systemd, and it exposes several functions to interact:

  • function booted to check if the system was booted with systemd or not

  • module controller_type, which contains enum ControllerType which is used to specify cgroup controllers available on a system

  • module manager, which contains Manager struct, which is the cgroup manager, and contain information such as the root cgroups path, path for the specific cgroups, client to communicate with systemd etc. This also implements CgroupManager trait, and thus can be used for cgroups related operations.

  • module dbus-native is the native implementation for dbus connection, which is used to interact with systemd in rootless mode.


This exposes a TestManager struct which can be used as dummy for cgroup testing purposes, which also implements CgroupManager.

v1 and v2

These two modules contains functionalities specific to cgroups version 1 and version 2. Both of these expose respective cgroup managers, which can be used to manage that type of cgroup, as well as some utility functions related to respective cgroup version, such as get_mount_points (for v1 and v2), get_subsystem_mount points (for v1), and get_available_controllers (for v2) etc.

The v2 module also exposes devices module, which provides functionality for working with bpf, such as load a bpf program, query info of a bpf program, attach and detach a bpf program to a cgroup, etc.